Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
PET-028-23 Save Scullin's habitat trees and protect other native trees with hollows across the ACT for the future N/A 28 2/11/2023 2/11/2023 Yes
E-PET-027-23 Remove the Provision of Good Character References for Paedophiles in the Sentencing Procedure of Child Sexual Abuse Cases 1/2/2024 567 6/2/2024 6/2/2024 Yes
PET-026-23 Woden Art Centre N/A 220 18/9/2023 18/9/2023 Yes
PET-025-23 Ngunnawal oval lighting N/A 25 13/9/2023 13/9/2023 Yes
E-PET-024-23 Stop the ACT Government's GP tax 23/12/2023 920 19/3/2024 19/3/2024 Yes
E-PET-023-23 Improve public transport outcomes for Belconnen 26/9/2023 109 24/10/2023 24/10/2023 Yes
E-PET-022-23 Save Scullin's tree hollows and protect other trees with hollows across the ACT for the future 1/11/2023 576 2/11/2023 2/11/2023 Yes
E-PET-021-23 Increasing the police presence at Kippax shops 20/11/2023 114 28/11/2023 28/11/2023 Yes
E-PET-020-23 Point Hut Pond Parkrun Path 31/10/2023 101 1/11/2023 1/11/2023 Yes
E-PET-019-23 Japanese Domestic Market number plates 30/9/2023 519 24/10/2023 24/10/2023 Yes
E-PET-018-23 Mr Fluffy Board of Inquiry (BOI) 24/9/2023 100 24/10/2023 24/10/2023 Yes
E-PET-017-23 Indian (Common) Myna Control 22/8/2023 2108 28/8/2023 No Yes
PET-016-23 Incorporating the Ainslie Volcanics site into the Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve N/A 178 6/6/2023 6/6/2023 Yes
E-PET-015-23 Traffic flow and safety in Gungahlin town centre 30/9/2023 86 23/10/2023 23/10/2023 Yes
E-PET-014-23 School bus for Lyons Early Childhood School 25/8/2023 96 28/8/2023 28/8/2023 Yes
E-PET-013-23 Callum Brae Nature Reserve - threatened by proposed crematorium complex 30/5/2023 252 30/5/2023 30/5/2023 Yes
E-PET-012-23 Incorporating the Ainslie Volcanics site into the Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve 4/6/2023 403 5/6/2023 5/6/2023 Yes
E-PET-011-23 Pedestrian Crossing and Safety at the Intersection of Gribble and Hibberson Street 29/8/2023 68 29/8/2023 29/8/2023 Yes
E-PET-010-23 Independent review of the culling program of the ACT’s kangaroo population 8/5/2023 254 8/5/2023 8/5/2023 Yes
PET-009-23 Abandoned House owned by Housing ACT N/A 16 22/3/2023 22/3/2023 Yes
E-PET-007-23 Traffic Management for the Grove Retirement Village 30/4/2023 158 8/5/2023 8/5/2023 Yes
E-PET-006-23 A new police station and increased police resources for Gungahlin District 16/4/2023 660 8/5/2023 8/5/2023 Yes
E-PET-005-23 Woden Art Centre 26/8/2023 62 28/8/2023 28/8/2023 Yes
E-PET-004-23 Stop Private Car Parks on Protected Public Green Open Spaces 30/7/2023 1134 28/8/2023 28/8/2023 Yes