Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
PET-033-22 The Brontё Haskins Memorial Bench at Shepherds Lookout N/A 234 12/10/2022 12/10/2022 Yes
E-PET-008-25 Fix the ACT’s Broken Construction Approval System 17/3/2025 545 18/3/2025 18/3/2025 No
PET-002-25 Hawker Village shops redevelopment N/A 544 6/2/2025 6/2/2025 No
PET-012-25 Funding Fearless Women N/A 459 19/3/2025 19/3/2025 No
PET-010-25 Bring back Big Splash N/A 74 4/3/2025 4/3/2025 No
E-PET-049-24 Bring back the Big Splash 28/2/2025 442 4/3/2025 4/3/2025 No
E-PET-045-24 Install a Pedestrian Crossing at Mawson Place for Community Safety 14/12/2024 9 4/2/2025 4/2/2025 Yes
E-PET-044-24 Petition for a pedestrian crossing in Mawson 30/9/2024 1 3/12/2024 3/12/2024 Yes
PET-043-24 Lyttleton Circuit and Teague Street neighbourhood playground N/A 58 5/9/2024 5/9/2024 Yes
PET-042-24 Active travel needs of Cook and Macquarie N/A 87 4/9/2024 4/9/2024 Yes
PET-041-24 Facilities for Veterans N/A 378 4/9/2024 4/9/2024 Yes
PET-040-24 Workers compensation for workplace incident N/A 13 3/9/2024 3/9/2024 Yes
PET-039-24 All abilities playground for Charnwood - Dunlop School N/A 157 3/9/2024 3/9/2024 Yes
PET-038-24 Bus services for Hawker College N/A 93 28/8/2024 28/8/2024 Yes
PET-037-24 Reinstating bus route along Macrossan Crescent, Latham N/A 123 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
PET-036-24 Footpath access and parking issues at Stephens Place In Garran, ACT N/A 14 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
E-PET-035-24 Online Database and Website of Sensory friendly venues in the ACT 2/9/2024 107 3/9/2024 3/9/2024 Yes
E-PET-034-24 Palestine petition 26/8/2024 912 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
E-PET-033-24 Make Rivett Place One-Way to Address unsafe parking issues 26/8/2024 132 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
E-PET-032-24 Increasing crime in Kaleen and Giralang 30/8/2024 461 3/9/2024 3/9/2024 Yes
E-PET-001-24 Toilet Facilities at Ruth Park Playground in Coombs 18/3/2024 332 19/3/2024 19/3/2024 Yes
E-PET-031-24 Footpath access and parking issues at Stephens Place in Garran, ACT 26/8/2024 60 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
E-PET-030-24 Coniston Street crossing for Hawker community garden and shops 23/8/2024 31 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
E-PET-029-24 Reinstating bus route along Macrossan Crescent, Latham 23/8/2024 82 27/8/2024 27/8/2024 Yes
E-PET-028-24 Funding of an all abilities playground for Charnwood-Dunlop School 31/8/2024 418 3/9/2024 3/9/2024 Yes