Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
029-19 Safety, traffic, parking and noise in the Canberra Hospital Precinct 28/11/2019 203 29/11/2019 29/11/2019 Yes
028-19 Chifley Place Carparking 21/11/2019 111 27/11/2019 27/11/2019 Yes
027-19 Wanniassa bus route changes N/A 664 19/9/2019 19/9/2019 Yes
026-19 Transport Canberra bus advertising following certain public comments by broadcaster Alan Jones 22/10/2019 542 23/10/2019 23/10/2019 Yes
025-19 Roller derby facilities N/A 170 22/8/2019 22/8/2019 Yes
024-19 Upgrades to Yarralumla Shops N/A 544 20/8/2019 20/8/2019 Yes
023-19 Active travel funding in the face of a climate emergency 16/11/2019 426 27/11/2019 27/11/2019 Yes
022-19 Chisholm Village development N/A 306 30/7/2019 30/7/2019 Yes
021-19 New born Screening for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency 24/1/2020 146 12/2/2020 12/2/2020 Yes
020-19 Roller Derby Facilities 9/8/2019 542 13/8/2019 13/8/2019 Yes
019-19 Chisholm Village development 19/7/2019 454 30/7/2019 30/7/2019 Yes
018-19 Hydrotherapy services in South Canberra N/A 2618 6/6/2019 6/6/2019 Yes
017-19 ACT transport network N/A 70 4/6/2019 4/6/2019 Yes
016-19 Buffer zones and development in the Parkwood area N/A 664 4/6/2019 5/6/2019 Yes
015-19 Reduce building heights for N12 and N10 sites, and preserve all of Arabanoo Park's existing open green space (Easty Street, Phillip) N/A 497 4/6/2019 4/6/2019 Yes
014-19 A destination recreation park for the inner north 29/7/2019 565 30/7/2019 30/7/2019 Yes
013-19 Support for students with learning difficulties N/A 1 16/5/2019 16/5/2019 Yes
012-19 Belconnen bus network changes N/A 591 15/5/2019 15/5/2019 Yes
011-19 Opposition to the Motor Accident Injuries Bill N/A 362 14/5/2019 14/5/2019 Yes
010-19 Retain the hydrotherapy pool at the Canberra Hospital 5/6/2019 460 6/6/2019 6/6/2019 Yes
009-19 Belconnen bus network changes 14/5/2019 589 15/5/2019 15/5/2019 Yes
008-19 Violence in ACT Schools N/A 207 21/3/2019 21/3/2019 Yes
007-19 Trees decline must be reversed N/A 494 19/3/2019 19/3/2019 Yes
006-19 Viable Public Transport for ANU 21/3/2019 1128 22/3/2019 22/3/2019 Yes
005-19 Violence in ACT Schools 21/3/2019 397 22/3/2019 22/3/2019 Yes