The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the Assembly that there has been inadequate community consultation on the current proposal to relocate the City West Bus Layover on Marcus Clarke Street to the corner of Barry Drive and Watson St in Turner, and to make it bigger.
The proposal for 25 buses and staff facilities would replace a temporary gravel carpark and extend into green space to the west and north in the Turner Parklands, further up Watson Street. We are concerned about:
- the loss of parklands and visual amenity;
- traffic management and safety; and
- the noise and fumes.
Residents, businesses and workers, a childcare centre, seniors' centre, commuters, ANU North Oval, bike skills track, churches, and pedestrians and cyclists using the popular shared pathways would be impacted, and amenity lost once construction commenced.
Canberra is one of the world's most liveable cities. This urban open space connects to other green corridors in the inner north and should remain protected. The Griffins' vision was for a garden city, defined by sustainability and democracy.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to request a community consultation process that reviews the loss of parklands and visual amenity, traffic management and safety, noise and fumes associated with the proposed bus layover in Turner Parklands.