This petition of certain residents of the suburb of Ngunnawal, Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly that the playground in Ngunnawal at the intersection of Tipiloura Street, Burrumarra Avenue and Maynard Street has not been maintained in accordance to the Australian standards for safety and currently remains unfit and unsafe to play.
With no action from authorities, the Nugunnawal community has undertaken steps to remove and rectify obvious hazards from the playground to ensure the safety of the community. The playground does require considerable additional work to make it safe and welcoming to the community.
Your petitioners therefore request the Assembly to order the respective authorities to
1. Immediately commence inspection of the above mentioned playground as recommended by the Australian Playground Standards (AS/NZS 4486.1 and AS 4685:2014).
2. Take necessary steps to ensure the playground is safe for community members particularly children.
3. Undertake a feasibility study in consultation with the community to replace the old play equipments with a more modern play area that is contemporary, appealing and safe for play and encouraging children to commit to active lifestyles.
4. Report to community on the action on the petition with a timeline.
5. Recommend the authorities to undertake an immediate inspection of all playgrounds in older ACT suburbs including Amaroo to check for their safety and condition.