The following residents of the ACT draw the attention of the Assembly that:
There are currently a large number of multistorey developments that have been constructed in recent years and many more to be constructed in Woden Town Centre over the next decade. These developments have created separate and distinct precincts across Woden Central including the Irving Street precinct, the Easty Street precinct and the Woden Centre precinct.
The Woden District strategy states protection and enhancement of the natural environment, development of an economic and employment hub, sustainable neighbourhoods, and inclusive communities as directions for Woden. This plan provides a general overview of the intentions of planning for Woden’s low and medium density suburbs surrounding Woden Centre. It does not however take into consideration the specific needs of the high density, multistorey residents which now surround the Woden Town Centre.
The ‘Braddon Place Plan’ of 2019 and the Acton Waterfront Place Plan 2020 represent comprehensive reviews of how residents of a community want their area to develop into the future. This is a critical juncture for Woden Town Centre to ensure it develops as a liveable community with integrated natural and constructed green spaces as well as ensuring a self-sustaining vibrant cultural and entertainment multi residential precinct for people to use every day of the year.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to:
Call on the Standing Committee on Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services to conduct an inquiry into improving the sustainability and liveability of Phillip/Woden Town Centre and its surrounding precincts.
The Terms of reference of this inquiry could include:
Understanding the vision that residents and businesses share around Woden in to understand the benefit or need for a ‘place plan’ for the Woden Town Centre, including its adjacent residential communities, both existing and upcoming.
What work is required to create a shared vision and the identification of the unique landscape, character and offering of Woden.
How can the physical and social aspects of Woden and the pedestrian, vehicle and social connectivity through the centre be improved. This should include planning for impending changes over the next decade, including the large amount of residential development in the area and the extension of light rail to Woden, to ensure the smooth and efficient interaction between different modes of transport that do not negatively impact the area’s liveability.
What natural, social, and physical characteristics of Woden should be preserved and enhanced.
The best ways to engage the lived experience of residents of Woden residents through this process to foster a sense of local ownership and pride in the development of the town centre.