Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
001-19 Trees decline must be reversed 16/3/2019 988 20/3/2019 20/3/2019 Yes
025-18 Reduce building heights for N12 and N10 sites, and preserve all of Arabanoo Park's existing open green space (Easty Street, Phillip) 30/5/2019 494 4/6/2019 4/6/2019 Yes
024-18 Restore ACT Government funding to the 'H course' delivered for ACT year 11 and 12 music students by the ANU School of Music N/A 69 29/11/2018 29/11/2018 Yes
023-18 Cease Project Wing Drone Delivery Trial in Bonython ACT N/A 1043 29/11/2018 29/11/2018 Yes
022-18 Request for additional motorcycle parking in Forrest, ACT 26/1/2019 62 13/2/2019 13/2/2019 Yes
021-18 Support for the Government Procurement (Secure Local Jobs) Amendment Bill 2018 N/A 208 25/10/2018 25/10/2018 Yes
020-18 Reduce height and reposition buildings for the WOVA development (Tradies site) N/A 435 23/10/2018 23/10/2018 Yes
019-18 Fair treatment for international students in Canberra 19/9/2018 508 20/9/2018 20/9/2018 Yes
018-18 Restore ACT Government funding to the 'H course' delivered for ACT year 11 and 12 music students by the ANU School of Music 29/11/2018 907 30/11/2018 30/11/2018 Yes
017-18 Keep our kids safe! Stop the cutting of Canberra's School Bus Services 1/10/2018 528 24/10/2018 24/10/2018 Yes
016-18 Charnwood Group Centre—Recycling options N/A 207 14/8/2018 14/8/2018 Yes
015-18 ACT Clubs' Community Contributions Scheme 14/9/2018 1225 18/9/2018 18/9/2018 Yes
014-18 More Fully Fenced Play Spaces 16/9/2018 484 18/9/2018 18/9/2018 Yes
013-18 Light Rail stage 2 - direct alignment 5/1/2019 132 13/2/2019 13/2/2019 Yes
012-18 Reduce height and reposition buildings for the WOVA development (Tradies site) 10/10/2018 86 24/10/2018 24/10/2018 Yes
011-18 Tuggeranong Town Centre Masterplan 3/8/2018 24 14/8/2018 14/8/2018 Yes
010-18 Page—Active living options N/A 157 10/4/2018 10/4/2018 Yes
009-18 Redevelopment of St Basil's Homes in Kingston 6/5/2018 162 8/5/2018 8/5/2018 Yes
008-18 Sunday/Public Holiday Bus Timetables 30/7/2018 142 31/7/2018 31/7/2018 Yes
007-18 Eating Disorder Health Care Services in the ACT 29/7/2018 629 31/7/2018 31/7/2018 Yes
006-18 Mitchell—Light Rail Stop N/A 4560 20/3/2018 20/3/2018 Yes
005-18 Downer Community Centre N/A 503 22/2/2018 22/2/2018 Yes
004-18 Greenway, Mortimer Lewis Drive—Provision of sun shade N/A 185 20/2/2018 20/2/2018 Yes
003-18 O'Malley—Proposed closure of public car park N/A 81 14/2/2018 14/2/2018 Yes
002-18 Dedicated bike path between Commonwealth Avenue and Kings Avenue bridges 30/4/2018 9 8/5/2018 8/5/2018 Yes