The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the Assembly to:
- recent media stories of community dissatisfaction with plans to develop and locate major fast food chains in small local shopping centres
- there are 3 major Fast Food Chain outlets located within 10 mins of Chisholm Village – Erindale, Greenway [Tuggeranong] and Conder [Lanyon]
- the community’s interest in future developments in Chisholm Village, and awareness that a major fast food chain outlet is being considered for the site of the existing tavern, restaurant and public toilets [public toilets owned by ACT government]
- that the Chisholm Village is privately owned and leased
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call on the ACT government to oversee thorough and inclusive community engagement on any proposed redevelopment, at Chisholm Village, of the existing tavern and sale of public toilets site to ensure that community engagement is completed in a fulsome manner; allow for all community interests to be heard and to gather community views on the potential development and location of a major fast food chain outlet in Chisholm Village; and to recognise and record other options for the site that reflect the interests of the local community.
Community engagement to consider, but not be limited to: the impact on health and wellbeing of the community; existing small businesses, cafes/food outlets; and, parking and traffic management.