We, the undersigned, noting that:-
1. The ACT Government’s removal of dedicated bus services to schools across Canberra is unjustly forcing students to rely on the public bus network, which will be dangerous for young children;
2. It is unacceptable that children will be required to cross busy roads and navigate busy interchanges to catch a public bus;
3. Call on the ACT Government to reconsider changes and improve the dedicated school transport network.
The following residents of the ACT draw the attention of the Assembly to the ACT Government’s cancellation of dedicated school bus services from April 29, 2019. These cancellations will force students as young as five years to rely on public buses and go through major interchanges to get to and from school.
Parents, teachers and wider school communities believe that the changes are putting children at risk. Therefore, your petitioners request that the Assembly call on the ACT Government to reconsider the recent changes and further commit to improving the dedicated school transport network.