Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
019-20 Watson Shops - Traffic N/A 193 27/8/2020 27/8/2020 Yes
018-20 Fraser West Bus Terminus 26/8/2020 175 27/8/2020 27/8/2020 Yes
017-20 In support of a Campbell dog park N/A 12 20/8/2020 20/8/2020 Yes
016-20 In support of a Kingston Foreshore dog park N/A 10 20/8/2020 20/8/2020 Yes
015-20 Farrer Nature Play Toilet N/A 354 13/8/2020 13/8/2020 Yes
014-20 Reinstatement of Transport Canberra Bus service to Narrabundah Lane, Symonston Act N/A 3 13/8/2020 13/8/2020 Yes
013-20 Stop high volume waste processing sites in Canberra's Inner South 1/11/2020 1737 4/12/2020 4/12/2020 Yes
012-20 Chisholm Centre Development 12/8/2020 809 13/8/2020 13/8/2020 Yes
011-20 Stop the bus layover in Turner Parklands 26/8/2020 393 27/8/2020 27/8/2020 Yes
010-20 Farrer Nature Play Toilet 30/7/2020 263 13/8/2020 13/8/2020 Yes
009-20 Planning issues in Durham Place, Chisholm N/A 71 18/6/2020 18/6/2020 Yes
008-20 Closure of schools during the coronavirus pandemic N/A 2 7/5/2020 7/5/2020 Yes
007-20 Playground safety in Ngunnawal N/A 100 7/5/2020 7/5/2020 Yes
006-20 Provision of water refill stations and container recycling at Kippax and Charnwood shops N/A 245 7/5/2020 7/5/2020 Yes
005-20 Preserve the parkland and not build a car park on the corner of Parkinson Street and Brierly Street, Weston. 17/6/2020 1112 18/6/2020 18/6/2020 Yes
004-20 ACT Assembly sitting schedule to continue during the COVID 19 emergency 5/5/2020 32 7/5/2020 7/5/2020 Yes
003-20 Street lighting and parking at Narrabundah shops N/A 614 2/4/2020 2/4/2020 Yes
002-20 Car parking in Chifley Place N/A 631 2/4/2020 2/4/2020 Yes
001-20 New born Screening for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency N/A 564 11/2/2020 11/2/2020 Yes
032-19 Canberra Hospital Precinct –Safety, traffic, parking and noise N/A 534 28/11/2019 28/11/2019 Yes
031-19 Coombs peninsula—proposed development N/A 275 27/11/2019 27/11/2019 Yes
030-19 Active travel funding in the face of a climate emergency N/A 12 26/11/2019 26/11/2019 Yes
029-19 Safety, traffic, parking and noise in the Canberra Hospital Precinct 28/11/2019 203 29/11/2019 29/11/2019 Yes
028-19 Chifley Place Carparking 21/11/2019 111 27/11/2019 27/11/2019 Yes
027-19 Wanniassa bus route changes N/A 664 19/9/2019 19/9/2019 Yes