The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the ACT Assembly:
Gungahlin residents have completely lost confidence in the ACT Government planning system to deliver employment, retail, entertainment and community services for the GTC.
The remaining land within the GTC will be sold in the coming financial year, so urgent action is required to address these concerns.
These concerns consistently raised with the Government over more than a decade, with no action.
Residents would like to achieve more balanced development and job creation in the GTC. At present it is dysfunctional, and the Government does not have a plan for the GTC other than more mixed-use sites that are often apartments.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call on the ACT Government to:
Request Suburban Land Agency and Minister for Planning to immediately suspend the auction of four mixed-use sites scheduled for 12-May-2021 and the sale/auction of any other sites in GTC, until:
• All recommendations of the GTC Planning Refresh Community Engagement Report are addressed as a matter of urgency
• Draft Variation 364 has been reviewed by the Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services
• Completion of the actions in the Assembly resolution on 'Development in the GTC' passed on 10-Feb-2021
• Provide a clear statement of the objectives of the Assessment of Community and Recreation Facilities in Gungahlin
• Develop a strategy to encourage businesses to be established in the GTC
• Hold genuine community consultations about future land use; and
• Investigate the justifications in the significant reduction of commercial zoning resulting from DV364