Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
E-PET-005-23 Woden Art Centre 26/8/2023 62 28/8/2023 28/8/2023 Yes
E-PET-004-23 Stop Private Car Parks on Protected Public Green Open Spaces 30/7/2023 1134 28/8/2023 28/8/2023 Yes
E-PET-003-23 Casey and surrounding areas - firm commitment needed from the ACT Government 17/3/2023 701 21/3/2023 21/3/2023 Yes
E-PET-002-23 Restoring the ANU bus route 20/3/2023 1237 21/3/2023 21/3/2023 Yes
PET-001-23 Freestanding Birth Centre in the ACT No 63 7/2/2023 7/2/2023 Yes
E-PET-042-22 Freestanding Birth Centre In The ACT No 551 7/2/2023 7/2/2023 Yes
E-PET-041-22 Speed reduction and controls for Nullarbor Ave in Harrison 20/3/2023 167 20/3/2023 20/3/2023 Yes
E-PET-040-22 Review and action plan for the road and pedestrian safety in and around the Harrison education precinct 27/3/2023 370 28/3/2023 28/3/2023 Yes
PET-039-22 Kippax Fair Parking N/A 536 30/11/2022 30/11/2022 Yes
E-PET-038-22 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN A.C.T. OMBUDSMAN FOR RETIREMENT VILLAGES 17/3/2023 207 20/3/2023 20/3/2023 Yes
PET-037-22 Property developer licensing N/A 308 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 Yes
PET-036-22 Appropriate trees for Bradfield Street, Downer N/A 266 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 Yes
E-PET-035-22 Installation of a playground in Amaroo Shops 30/11/2022 202 1/12/2022 1/12/2022 Yes
E-PET-034-22 Tuggeranong Skate Park Redevelopment 6/2/2023 776 7/2/2023 7/2/2023 Yes
EPET-22-032 Chisholm Shops - KFC Development Application (Block 48, Section 539) 29/10/2022 287 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 Yes
EPET-22-031 Richardson Shops 1/11/2022 513 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 Yes
EPET-22-030 Stromlo Forest Park Car Park Changes 17/10/2022 692 18/10/2022 18/10/2022 Yes
EPET-22-029 Property Developer Licensing 18/11/2022 820 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 Yes
EPET-22-028 Margaret Timpson Park, Belconnen Town Centre 29/11/2022 268 30/11/2022 30/11/2022 Yes
EPET-22-027 Replace the Monash Primary School oval for the community 28/2/2023 131 21/3/2023 21/3/2023 Yes
EPET-22-026 Parking and urban open space for Gungahlin apartment dwellers and small business owners 18/11/2022 590 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 Yes
EPET-22-025 To implement sentencing guidelines for grievous and purposefully reckless motor vehicle crimes and addressing re-offending (recidivism) 1/10/2022 3093 11/10/2022 11/10/2022 Yes
EPET-22-024 Request independent review on the performance at the ACT Judiciary in regards to sentencing in line with the common and statutory laws 1/10/2022 2446 11/10/2022 11/10/2022 Yes
EPET-22-023 Review the process of appointments to the ACT Judiciary to allow transparency and for nominees to meet community expectations 1/10/2022 2194 11/10/2022 11/10/2022 Yes
022-22 Objection to the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill 2021 N/A 361 2/8/2022 2/8/2022 Yes