Access roads to connect Tralee to Monaro Highway

Access roads to connect Tralee to Monaro Highway
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Mark Parton
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Closing Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

The following residents of the ACT draw the attention of the Assembly.

The NSW suburb of Tralee is in development and will eventually have up to 1500 residencies.
Access to the suburb is through a single new road (Environa Drive via Tompsitt Drive) and adds approximately 4km each way when a resident wishes to travel to or from Canberra on the Monaro Highway via Lanyon Drive.
The previous access road via the Hume Industrial estate now has a locked gate.
The majority of the residents of the new suburb work, shop and play in the surrounding Canberra area. All work vehicles accessing the new suburb, and tradesmen who in the main are from the Canberra region are also travelling to the suburb through the single access road. The new area will also include a new business hub, new regional sports centre (Hockey, Soccer,Basketball, Swimming Centre) that will be used by the wider communities of Canberra and Queanbeyan Region, as well as a water play park and playgrounds that will be able to be used to residents of the south of Canberra. The new suburb is serviced through local emergency services often coming from Canberra. There have already been delays in Ambulance services attempting to access the suburb via the now closed Hume entry in case of emergencies, and in the event of a fire or accident on the single current road, access in and out of the suburb will be unavailable.
It is requested that ACT Transport work collectively on the upgrades to the Monaro Highway to incorporate access roads north and south of the Hume Industrial state for easy access into and out of Tralee, not only for residents, but for ACT residents who will be working or using facilities in the area.

Requested Actions

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to:

Request the ACT Government and Transport Canberra to work with Queanbeyan and Palerang Council on ensuring access to Monaro Highway north and south of the Hume Industrial estate is factored in by the ACT as part of the upgrade committed to by the proposed upgrade.

This will:
Contribute to reduced global omissions of motor vehicles by providing more direct access
Provide improved safety due to the risks of only having a single access road for emergency services
Provide improved safety as the single access road is also the location of the new South Jerrabomberra High School
Provider shorter and easier access to the facilities and the surrounding area for Canberra region residents using the sporting, education and business to the facilities.