Closed Petitions

No. Subject Closed Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister Responded to Assembly
001-18 Downer Community Centre 22/2/2018 146 23/2/2018 23/2/2018 Yes
032-17 Draft Variation 344 N/A 149 30/11/2017 30/11/2017 Yes
031-17 Torrens—Upgrade to playground N/A 713 30/11/2017 30/11/2017 Yes
030-17 Lake Burley Griffin and surrounds—Heritage protection N/A 749 30/11/2017 30/11/2017 Yes
029-17 Red Hill natural environment and surrounding existing green space—Integrated planning N/A 2862 30/11/2017 30/11/2017 Yes
028-17 Red Hill natural environment and surrounding existing green space—Integrated planning N/A 250 30/11/2017 30/11/2017 Yes
027-17 Mount Taylor access—Improved motorist, cyclist and pedestrian safety from Sulwood Drive, Kambah N/A 246 28/11/2017 28/11/2017 Yes
026-17 Rerouting buses away from Anketell Street, Tuggeranong N/A 562 28/11/2017 28/11/2017 Yes
025-17 ACT Safe and Inclusive Schools 30/4/2018 1483 8/5/2018 8/5/2018 Yes
024-17 Ineffective management of dangerous dogs and dog attacks 27/11/2017 32 29/11/2017 29/11/2017 Yes
023-17 Gordon—Preddey Way, Clare Dennis Avenue and Lewis Luxton Avenue—Safety and protection of residents N/A 163 26/10/2017 26/10/2017 Yes
022-17 Bus service—Deakin and Kingston via Manuka N/A 438 24/10/2017 24/10/2017 Yes
021-17 Safe Schools Coalition program N/A 998 24/8/2017 24/8/2017 Yes
020-17 Higgins—Upgrades to playgrounds N/A 203 17/8/2017 17/8/2017 Yes
019-17 Rerouting buses away from Anketell Street, Tuggeranong 8/11/2017 181 29/11/2017 29/11/2017 Yes
018-17 Mount Taylor access—Improved motorist, cyclist and pedestrian safety from Sulwood Drive, Kambah 24/11/2017 620 29/11/2017 29/11/2017 Yes
017-17 Advertising billboards N/A 30 1/8/2017 1/8/2017 Yes
016-17 Farrer—Development and implementation of a strategic plan for integrated, appropriate and environmentally sensitive community facilities N/A 379 1/8/2017 1/8/2017 Yes
015-17 Bus service from Deakin to Kingston and Manuka 30/7/2017 4 1/8/2017 1/8/2017 Yes
014-17 Advertising billboards 31/7/2017 749 1/8/2017 1/8/2017 Yes
013-17 Farrer—Development and implementation of a strategic plan for integrated, appropriate and environmentally sensitive community facilities 27/7/2017 161 1/8/2017 1/8/2017 Yes
012-17 Giralang community precinct—Revitalisation N/A 107 11/5/2017 11/5/2017 Yes
011-17 Public housing development—Darwinia Community Park, Chapman N/A 872 10/5/2017 10/5/2017 Yes
010-17 Public housing development—Holder N/A 729 10/5/2017 10/5/2017 Yes
009-17 Public housing development—Mawson N/A 169 10/5/2017 10/5/2017 Yes