Kippax Fair Parking
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert
Principal petitioner:
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly that:
— inadequate parking at Kippax Fair has been an issue for many years;
— the ACT Government's sale of a portion of the car park in November eliminated 66 all-day parking bays, worsening pre-existing parking shortages;
— the approved Kippax Masterplan provides the opportunity for another 450 underground parking bays for public use but has been stalled by government foot-dragging; and
— parking troubles at Kippax Fair have now reached crisis point, forcing shoppers away from the area and threatening the livelihoods of traders.

Requested Actions

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call upon the ACT Government to:
— resume public liability insurance for the recently closed car park at block 5, section 53 no later than 16 December 2022, allowing for it to be reopened for use until construction commences;
— realign the parking configuration of remaining car parks by 31 January 2023 to optimise the number of parking bays; and/or
— open a temporary car park to service Kippax as soon as possible.