Inclusion of Hackett in the Shirley Smith High School Priority Enrolment Area

Inclusion of Hackett in the Shirley Smith High School Priority Enrolment Area
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Shane Rattenbury
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Closing Date:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

The following residents of the ACT draw the attention of the Assembly: Hackett currently is only in the PEA for Campbell High School. Watson, adjacent to Hackett, is in a shared PEA with Campbell, Lyneham and Shirley Smith high schools. 

The distance between Hackett and Campbell is approximately 6 km while the distance to Shirley Smith is approximately 8 km. The bike ride to Campbell is not safe. It is on narrow, busy roads, without any dedicated bike lane, while the footpaths are also too narrow, very uneven and constantly cross residential driveways from which cars reverse with low visibility. The school bus service from Hackett to Campbell is on a timetable which is not flexible for many children’s morning routines. 

In comparison, the bike ride to the light rail to Shirley Smith is on a wide road, in the opposite direction to the morning traffic, and the footpath is straighter, less bumpy, and the residential driveways are more visible. In addition, there is an off-road bike path the whole way to Shirley Smith, safely accessible with two traffic light pedestrian crossings (at Antill and opposite EPIC). This would be an excellent active travel option especially for older students. Parents could also easily drop children at the corner of Philip Avenue and Northbourne to meet the light rail which runs at more regular intervals. 

According to the 2021 Census, the number of young people living in Hackett between 0 and 4 was 176 and 5 and 9 was 226. Including Hackett in the Shirly Smith PEA would not be a significant increase in the possible number of students.

 At the same time, it can be expected the Campbell PEA will experience a population increase with the greater density for some of the central suburbs. 

Given Hackett’s proximity and easy commute to Lyneham it has long seemed unreasonable that Hackett is not in the PEA for Lyneham High School. But, as Lyneham High School PEA arrangement has been in place forever, and Lyneham is overcapacity, we accept that Lyneham is not an option.

 Including Hackett in the Shirley Smith PEA would be fair, reasonable, convenient and promote active travel and provide greater flexibility to families and children.

Transport options to local high schools: 

Distance from Mackenzie Street Hackett (eastern most location) to Campbell High is  6km; to  Shirley Smith is 8.2km via Flemington Road and  Lyneham High is 4.6km

Bike to Campbell High - there is no bike path, on road  or via the fire trail on Mt Ainslie; to Shirley Smith is by off road bike path the whole way; and to  Lyneham High is the safest, shortest bike path.

Private Car to  Campbell High is in the same direction as morning traffic; to Shirley Smith is opposite morning traffic.

Public Transport to Campbell High is on a suburban school bus available on fixed timetable; to  Shirley Smith is by regular light rail at corner of Phillip Avenue (easy car drop off, or bike ride to light rail).

Requested Actions

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly:

The suburb of Hackett be included in the Priority Enrolment Area (PEA) for Shirley Smith High School.