Tuggeranong Skate Park Redevelopment

Tuggeranong Skate Park Redevelopment
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Johnathan Davis
Principal petitioner:
Mr Mathew Casey
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Closing Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the Assembly:

Canberra has a 40+ year history of being a world leader in providing public skateparks, initially with iconic facilities like Charnwood bowl, Kambah halfpipe, Erindale ‘banks’ and the original Belconnen skatepark.

Canberra’s current skate parks are always busy with families and people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and abilities, riding anything from BMX, roller skates, and (of course) skateboards. Canberra’s skateparks are used for up to 16+ hours per day on every day that the sun is shining. Research has also shown that skateparks provide significant community and public health benefits. Skate-friendly public spaces with robust architecture often result in areas becoming safer by way of activation and passive surveillance.

Skateboarding and BMX-based local businesses have contributed to the local economy and supported the community. Canberra has also produced some of Australia’s most talented skateboarders, and has a vibrant inclusive skateboarding scene.

Unfortunately, Canberra is beginning to fall behind in the provision and management of contemporary skateparks. There has been no new skateparks built in Canberra for over a decade and an omission of skate elements in almost all new play spaces. Tuggeranong skate park, in particular, has reached 25 years of age, much older than the original Belconnen skatepark when it was upgraded in 2011.

Modern facilities being built across Australia are leaping ahead in design and quality, with creatively designed bowls, vertical halfpipes, pump tracks and modern street and park facilities.

Requested Actions

Our community would be stoked to see a comprehensive plan for the ongoing maintenance of Canberra’s skateparks, and the construction of new skateparks and skate-friendly spaces.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call upon the Government to allocate sufficient funding to construct a new, modern, world-class skatepark in Tuggeranong to modernise the 25-year-old facility and cater to the growing population in the area.

We thank the Assembly for its consideration of our petition and look forward to the response from the Minister.