Traffic Management for the Grove Retirement Village

Traffic Management for the Grove Retirement Village
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Michael Pettersson
Principal petitioner:
Mr Robert Allen
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Closing Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory

This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly the following issues of concern to The Grove Retirement Village Residents, Visitors, Staff, Tradespeople and Delivery Drivers.

The suburb of Casey, and surrounding Ngunnawal area, has grown considerably with roads, public transport, and community infrastructure all needing investment to cope with this growth.

The major road servicing the “Grove Retirement Village (Gungahlin Drive) is one-lane each way as it passes the Village (Monty Place Entry & Exit) and John Paul II College. There are also restrictions from Monty Place as you cannot turn right entering or exiting.

Monty Place is the only access to Gungahlin Drive, between the Barton Hwy and Gundaroo Drive that is not serviced by a Roundabout.

Congestion, vehicle accidents and near-misses (including with pedestrians) are common, particularly during peak commute and school drop-off/pick up times, around St John Paul II College, and The Grove (Retirement Village.)

DA approved for the Gold Creek Homestead site for 45 additional Villas to the Grove Village, Community Facilities and 160 bed Aged Care Facility. Additional traffic from an extra 45 Villas, access to the Community Facilities and visitors and staff for the Aged Care facility will further impact entry and exit from Monty Place.

Proposal for Multi-Unit Mixed Use Development (DA -202241107) planned for the Casey group centre is likely to be approved, bringing a further 200 units and 500 more residents (and their Vehicles) to an area already facing pressure.

Bus based public transport is inadequate, especially on weekends, to ease the Vehicle congestion.

Requested Actions

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call on the ACT Government to;
 Implement suitable traffic measures (Roundabout, Traffic Lights, Slip Lanes, or other suitable traffic measures) to improve entry and exit options to the Grove Retirement Village via Gungahlin Drive into and from Monty Place Ngunnawal

 OR: Conduct a feasibility study to implement traffic lights at the intersection of Monty Place and Gungahlin Drive, which would allow traffic to turn both right and left into Gungahlin Drive, which would only be activated when a car is detected This would ensure that vehicles on Gungahlin Drive would still have priority traffic flow.

 OR: Monitor traffic conditions at the Gungahlin Drive / Monty Place intersection and to suggest any improvements that could potentially be made to the intersection to improve safety and accessibility.

 Develop and commit to a timeframe to fully duplicate Gungahlin Drive, and Clarrie Hermes Drive.