New 40kph speed limit zones in Civic

New 40kph speed limit zones in Civic
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Mark Parton
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Closing Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the Assembly:

- the imposition of additional 40kph speed limit zones in Civic has produced extremely perverse outcomes for Canberrans;

- thousands of individuals have been penalized for failing to comply with extremely confusing signage regimes in the new speed limit areas;

- the so-called grace period combined with lack of effective warning and signage and a massive number of fines demonstrate a callous government failure.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to call on the ACT Government to:

- waive the fines and penalties incurred in the month July 2021 in the new 40kph speed limited zones in Civic; and

- take action to make it absolutely clear as to where these speed limits apply.