This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of, and requests that the Assembly:
Note that: Draft variation 375 is being introduced so that a 4 unit, 2 story Manor House with 9 carparks can be built in Griffith.
Without this DV, the Manor House cannot be built.
Recognise that: If DV 375 is approved, Manor Houses or their equivalent could be built in any low-density residential zone in the ACT.
Canberra residents require certainty and trust, regarding what can be built near them; random rezoning of single blocks is bad planning.
Draft Variation 375 is inappropriate for this part of Griffith and does not meet community expectations for the suburb.
The proposal should be built on a RZ2 block, rather an in RZ1.
Your petitioners request that the Assembly reject Draft Variation 375 so that the character and amenity of Griffith can be maintained.