The following residents of the ACT draw to the attention of the Assembly:
• That Mt Taylor is an important community asset that attracts 12,000 - 14,000 visitors every week.
• There are significant safety concerns for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians on Sulwood Drive at the intersection of Mannheim Street, Kambah and those accessing Mt Taylor from the adjacent carpark.
• The lack of signage, the ad hoc way drivers access the carpark for Mt Taylor, and carpark disrepair contributes to the danger for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, including those continuing on Sulwood Drive and those within the carpark area.
• There is a lack of suitable cycling infrastructure linking Athllon Drive and the Tuggeranong Parkway across Sulwood Drive.
• There is an opportunity to improve community access to Mt Taylor with improved walking trails.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Assembly to:
• Create dedicated, visible, and safe entry and exit points to the Mt Taylor carpark on Sulwood Drive with dedicated and clearly defined safe crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.
• Make changes to improve the intersection at Mannheim Street and Sulwood Drive considering safety and needs of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
• Construct a dedicated bike lane on Sulwood Drive.
• Improve the safety and amenity of the Mt Taylor carpark by installing lighting and a bin.
• Extend the footpath on Mannheim Street from MacKay Crescent to Sulwood Drive.
• Consider improvements to Mannheim Street to slow speeding traffic and improve safety.